Japanese words to know when renting a room in Japan | Reikin (Key money)
When searching for a rental room in Japan, you may encounter unfamiliar customs. One of these is the payment of "Reikin" which you will be asked at the rental agreement.

Rules on real-estate transactions in Japan | Jiko Bukken
Guidelines on deals of properties - rental houses, apartments, summarised about Jikobukken that dealing tends to be in trouble.

Leasing of the non-resident owners in Japan | Master lease and Sublease Agreements
Tax-withholding, required in leasing commercial real estate from the non-resident owners/foreign owners, is not necessary under master lease/sub-lease agreements.

Taxation in Japan: Tax applicable to the rent being paid by a company
If a company provides housing for directors on its board, some conditions are concerned with taxation, such as whether the floor space excluding the balcony/outdoor area is over 240㎡, and the accommodation includes luxury facilities.

Rental properties in Japan | Paying tax on rent on behalf of a foreign owner
In Japan, renting a rental property from an owner living abroad may require tax-withholding when paying the rent.

The language barrier you may encounter when finding a rental house/apartment in Japan
The reasons why non-Japanese speaking people can find only a few rental properties in Japan.

Living in Japan: Musician friendly rental houses/apartments
What to know about rental properties, houses, apartments, allowing renters to play the piano and other musical instruments.

Japanese style houses | Washitsu rooms and room size measurement
Rooms in traditional Japanese style are called Washitsu, comprise of Tatami mats spread on the floor and wood fittings that include Shoji and Fusuma.

Living with pets in Japan: Things to know about owning a pet
Having a pet in Japan requires the owner to follow some rules and regulations. Pet owners who rent a pet-friendly property need to know about requirements.

Finding a rental property in Japan | Things to do and know for property viewing
If you look for a rental property in Japan, viewing or ‘Naiken’ is indispensable. The viewing helps you to understand the actual room size and layout as it is hard to grasp the whole picture just from browsing the room plan and photographs.